Got Bed Bugs? Bite Back !
Bed Bug Control
For Missouri Homes & Businesses
First of all if you are here because you have bed bugs and are feeling bad, awkward, dirty or ashamed. DON’T! Bed bugs can be found in houses, hotels, apartments, and dorm rooms. They can also occur in an office, school, library, movie theater, restaurant, care facility, shelter or many other public places. It is also very common to get bed bugs from friends and family. They do not care who you are, where you live, how dirty or clean your home or you are, they have one goal…to feed.
Keep in mind that bed bug infestations can occur ANYWHERE. Individuals and families who take frequent vacations or travel regularly are certain to come across an infestation at some point. Given we humans are a bed bugs transportation, not to mention favorite food supply, anywhere there are people is a place there could be bed bugs.
If you are exposed to a place that is already infested (whether or not you realize it) you can easily bring that infestation home with you. To keep from spreading bed bugs, everyone (especially frequent travelers) should learn as much about them as possible. That’s why we are here!
Think of these creatures as the ultimate stow-aways. Hitchhikers of the insect world. They can hide themselves in bags, furniture, and suitcases. Donated or used clothing and linens are another means of transportation. Bed bugs do not possess the ability to fly or jump so they must climb or drop onto you or your items. That’s when they find their way into your home, office or any other place you may visit.
If you live in an apartment or any other shared wall living situation such as a duplex, neighbors can unknowingly bring bed bugs into your home. Ever the resourceful creatures, they will climb through the floors, walls, and outlets to get between units.
After the bed bugs have made themselves at home in your home, they will begin nesting where humans like to sleep or relax to establish their food source (this means your bed and couch people). Once this is established, a female will start laying eggs and feeding regularly. All it takes is one pregnant female bed bug and you could have a full blown infestation in no time. Learning about how easily bed bugs are acquired is very concerning for most people, but fear not; there are several things you can do to prevent bed bugs.
Know How They Spread
After the bed bugs have entered your home they will begin nesting where humans sleep or relax to establish their food source. A female bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. It only takes ten days for eggs to hatch and once newly hatched bed bugs emerge they will begin to seek a host immediately. With her food source (you) established, the female will begin laying her eggs and feeding regularly. After the first eggs hatch the infestation will grow exponentially.
Families of bed bugs make nests of feces, eggs and other bed bug carcasses which too will continue to grow very quickly. However often times they won’t be detected for several weeks or months. Remember: All it takes is one pregnant female bed bug and you could have a full blown infestation in no time.

Bed Bug Bites
Like other creatures that feed on blood, bed bugs release an anticoagulant agent that keeps the blood from clotting thus allowing them to get the most out of their meal. Again, like other blood suckers bed bugs inject an analgesic or anesthetic type secretion that causes you to not feel when they bite. Sometimes the only evidence left behind are itchy bite marks, but not always. You may even continue to bleed after they have bitten, leaving small stains on clothes or bedding.
Take note that bites may look similar in appearance to other insect bites like mosquitoes. However, bed bug bites generally form in patterns or groupings on the skin. They will be incredibly itchy. But their similarity in appearance to other bites makes it almost impossible to distinguish a bed bug bite from many others. This is why bites alone cannot be conclusive proof of a bed bug infestation.
Bites may not appear on a nightly basis; bed bugs can survive long periods without feeding but generally feed once every three to five days. If there is a pattern of bites happening week after week, and you have ruled out mosquitoes, then it could very likely be bed bugs.
NOTE: Some individuals will have an allergic reaction to the anticoagulant released in the bite. This can cause redness and swelling in the area as well as general irritation. Although bed bug bites are not known for causing disease or other health issues, an infestation can cause mental symptoms like fear, anxiety, inability to sleep, and paranoia. If an individual is allergic to bed bug bites (in rare cases) their bites can cause anaphylactic shock.
How to Self Inspect
You can see bed bugs through your own inspection if you know where and how to look. To begin grab your flashlight, the flashlight is a key tool in your inspection as it makes the bed bugs easier to identify with the naked eye. You should begin your inspection by picking up and turning over furniture. Be careful to thoroughly check the inside of cushions, near all seams, in cluttered areas, corners and hard to reach locations. A magnifying glass could be useful for this purpose if available.
During the day bed bugs will normally be hiding, making them difficult to spot and allowing the infestation to grow. Note: Skin irritation caused by bed bugs is often mistaken for allergies or mosquito bites. By the time the client finds out it is bed bugs, the infestation can be large enough to plainly see in all rooms.

Conventional bed bug treatments are typically used on more localized bed bug infestations. They are frequently used in small homes, hotel rooms or apartments when there is a low-level infestation. The property will go through several rounds of treatments until bed bugs are effectively removed. The repeat treatments will help to eliminate all bed bugs throughout various stages of the reproduction and incubation cycle. We ask that residents (or guests/tenants) vacate the premise during the service and stay out of the space until the treatment has dried.
Pesticide Dusts
Pesticide Sprays
Crack & Crevice Injection / Spot Treatment
Mattress Encasements
Conventional treatment methods provide residual action, which means the materials used can work against bed bugs even after the initial treatment dries. Not all active ingredients have an effect on bed bugs, so it is crucial that these treatments are done by someone who knows how to select the right treatment method for optimal effectiveness. Even in cases where pesticide resistance isn’t a factor, treating bed bugs through insecticide is not always the most effective solution.
One limitation of pesticide applications is access to the actual bed bugs. Most insecticides that work against bed bugs are contact insecticides, meaning they actually have to touch the bed bugs to eliminate them. If bed bugs are tucked away deep inside a crack, crevice or even in the wall, it’s possible they will be missed by the insecticide. The pesticide treatments also won’t impact bed bug eggs, which means they can still hatch after the treatment. For this reason, conventional applications are only effective through multiple visits. Pesticide treatments require significant preparation and the homeowner or business owner needs to have the flexibility to allow for multiple treatments over weeks, or even months.
Clear clutter in all rooms
All clothing and bed linens must be sealed in plastic bags
Vacuum the floor and dispose of contents in a sealed plastic bag
Empty closets and dressers